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Andaman Wave Master Information

Andaman Wave Master

Andaman Wave Master: La magia de las islas

Embárquese en un viaje al encanto de las islas con Andaman Wave Master. Descubra las cautivadoras islas de Tailandia, ola a ola.

Imagine un entorno tranquilo donde el encuentro de aguas turquesas y costas de suave arena crea una sensación de calma y asombro. El sol transforma el horizonte en un lienzo de tonos dorados. Las suaves olas del mar de Andamán llegan suavemente a la orilla, llevando susurros de historias por descubrir y emocionantes aventuras.

Descubra tesoros ocultos explorando las entrañas. Andaman Wave Master le invita a adentrarse en este mundo cautivador. Con nosotros, su viaje por las islas de Tailandia creará recuerdos entrañables para toda la vida.

Misión y visión:

Misión: En Andaman Wave Master, nuestra misión es clara e inquebrantable. Estamos aquí para ofrecerle una puerta de entrada sin problemas a los tesoros ocultos de las islas de Tailandia. A través de nuestros servicios de transporte en ferry de primera clase, aspiramos a conectarle con la belleza y la riqueza cultural de estos destinos. Nuestro objetivo es hacer que su exploración de las islas no sólo sea cómoda y conveniente, sino que también sea recordada como una aventura extraordinaria y especial.

Nuestra visión: Como pioneros en el ámbito de las operaciones de ferry, nuestra visión va mucho más allá del horizonte. Imaginamos un futuro en el que los viajeros puedan sumergirse en el esplendor de las joyas costeras del mar de Andamán al tiempo que defienden los principios del turismo sostenible y responsable. Nos comprometemos a salvaguardar estas maravillas naturales, garantizando que permanezcan intactas y florecientes para las generaciones venideras.

Servicios de la empresa:

Navegue hacia la felicidad isleña. Andaman Wave Master ofrece una amplia gama de servicios de ferry personalizados adaptados a todas sus necesidades de viaje. Nuestros modernos transbordadores le llevarán con seguridad a paisajes encantadores, aguas cristalinas y rincones ocultos de estas impresionantes islas.

Guías que dan vida a las islas. Nuestros guías hacen algo más que navegar: son narradores que comparten la historia y la cultura de las islas. Acompáñenos en un viaje educativo que se adentra en la esencia de las islas, más allá de la superficie.

Seguridad y comodidad a bordo. Al subir a nuestros transbordadores, entrará en un mundo de comodidades modernas. Desde cómodos asientos hasta instalaciones bien planificadas, todo está pensado para que su viaje no sea sólo un paseo, sino una experiencia agradable.

Características principales:

La seguridad como estrella guía: Su seguridad es nuestra principal preocupación. Nuestro estricto cumplimiento de los protocolos de seguridad garantiza que pueda embarcarse en su viaje con total tranquilidad.

Inmersión en la cultura: Nuestros guías expertos son más que transmisores de información; son arquitectos culturales que tienden puentes entre usted y el rico tapiz de tradiciones e historias de la isla.

Redefinir la comodidad del viaje: Nuestros transbordadores no se limitan a transportar; redefinen la comodidad del viaje a través de servicios contemporáneos, transformando su viaje en una experiencia de opulencia y relajación.

Reserva sin esfuerzo: Nuestra plataforma en línea es su portal a una experiencia de reserva sin estrés. La interfaz intuitiva garantiza que el proceso sea tan fluido y agradable como los mares que surcará.

De un vistazo: Destinos insulares y rutas

Odisea Koh Phi Phi: Sumérjase en la belleza etérea de Koh Phi Phi. Pulse aquí para más información.

Krabi Beach Retreat: Sumérjase en la tranquilidad de las serenas playas de Krabi. Haga clic aquí para más información.

Expedición a la bahía de Phang Nga: Descubra los secretos de la emblemática isla de James Bond. Haga clic aquí para más información.

Andaman Wave Master le invita a un viaje en el que el encanto isleño se mezcla suavemente con la comodidad y el cuidado. Nuestra gran dedicación a la seguridad, el confort y los viajes ecológicos garantiza que su viaje no sea sólo un paseo, sino una colección de momentos increíbles.

Con guías expertos, comodidades modernas y un sencillo proceso de reserva, sus sueños isleños están en el horizonte. No importa si le atrae la belleza de Koh Phi Phi, la calma de Krabi, las maravillas de la bahía de Phang Nga o los misterios de las islas Similan, su aventura comienza aquí mismo.

Consiga ya sus billetes de ferry y deje que Andaman Wave Master convierta sus sueños isleños en recuerdos entrañables, conectados para siempre al relajante ritmo del mar de Andamán.

Y cuando emprenda este increíble viaje, sepa que nos tomamos muy en serio su seguridad y felicidad. Nuestros experimentados guías no sólo dirigen el camino, sino que también hacen que las islas cobren vida con interesantes historias.

Una vez a bordo, nuestro moderno equipamiento hace que viajar sea cómodo, convirtiendo su viaje en una experiencia divertida, no sólo en un paseo. ¿Y adivina qué? Reservar su escapada es superfácil en línea, así que puede esperar su próxima aventura isleña sin complicaciones.

Tanto si lo que le llama la atención es la belleza de Koh Phi Phi, la calma de Krabi, lo increíble de la bahía de Phang Nga o los misterios de las islas Similan, prepárese: su aventura comienza aquí mismo. Así que compre ya sus billetes de ferry y deje que Andaman Wave Master convierta sus sueños isleños en recuerdos inolvidables, atados para siempre al tranquilo mar de Andamán.

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This trip is not available during the selected dates
Shared Minivan

Shared Minivan for pick up/drop off

Nautica Express Speed Boat

Speedboat Phuket, Rassada Pier - Phi Phi Island, Tonsai Pier - Phi Phi Island, Leam Tong and return.

Royal Jet Cruise

Ferry Phuket, Rassada Pier - Phi Phi Island, Tonsai Pier - Phi Phi Island, Leam Tong and return.

Tonsai Pier

Tonsai Pier: Gateway to Koh Phi Phi Adventures

Welcome to Tonsai Pier, your gateway to the captivating Koh Phi Phi! Nestled in the heart of Tonsai Bay, this bustling pier is your first step into a world of stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and unforgettable experiences. Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure, Tonsai Pier is your starting point.

About Tonsai Pier

Tonsai Pier is your entryway to Koh Phi Phi's treasures. The pier buzzes with life as boats ferry visitors to and from this tropical paradise. Its strategic location at Tonsai Bay means you're never far from the island's vibrant energy. The vibrant markets, cozy cafes, and local shops are ready to welcome you.

Experience Tonsai's Diversity: From Tonsai Pier, the world is your oyster. Relax at the enchanting Tonsai Beach, a stone's throw away. With its soft sands and turquoise waters, it's the perfect place to soak up the sun. For a dash of exploration, hike to the stunning viewpoint for breathtaking panoramas.

Explore Beyond Tonsay Bay: Venture beyond Tonsai Pier to discover Loh Dalum Bay, a short walk away. This idyllic cove is a paradise for snorkelers and beach lovers. Immerse yourself in the underwater wonders or simply bask in the serenity of the surroundings.

Tonsai Village: Tonsai Village, situated in the center of Tonsai Bay, offers a glimpse into local life on Koh Phi Phi. Stroll through its narrow lanes, where the scent of Thai cuisine fills the air. Discover hidden gems, souvenir shops, and Wi-Fi spots to stay connected.

Ferry Services: Tonsai Pier serves as the island's main pier, welcoming ferries arriving from Phuket, Krabi, and Koh Lanta. The efficient ferry service ensures your journey is smooth and convenient. The entry fee of 20 baht helps maintain the pier's facilities.

Connecting Destinations: Whether you're arriving from Phuket or Krabi, Tonsai Pier is the linchpin of your journey. The banners for tours and hotels greet you upon arrival, offering a spectrum of choices for your stay. Koh Phi Phi's allure awaits your exploration.

Evening Delights: As the sun sets, Tonsai Pier transforms into a spectacle of fire and light. The fire show is a mesmerizing display that adds an element of magic to your evenings. Join the crowd and be enchanted by this unforgettable performance.

Beyond the Pier: Tonsai Bay's beauty extends beyond the pier. The azure waters are perfect for swimming, while the surrounding cliffs provide hiking opportunities for the adventurous. Snorkel around Ton Sai's coral reefs or simply bask in the island's tranquility.

Diverse Excursions: Tonsai Pier opens the door to a range of excursions. Dive into the underwater wonders of Koh Phi Phi or embark on a journey to Phi Phi Don, the larger of the two Phi Phi islands. With Wi-Fi available, you can plan your adventures on the go.

Thriving Nightlife: As night falls, Tonsai Village comes to life with a vibrant nightlife. Bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues offer a taste of Koh Phi Phi's lively atmosphere. Dance, dine, and make memories that last a lifetime.

Easy Transfers: From Tonsai Pier, you can easily hop on a longtail boat to explore nearby attractions. Koh Lanta, Maya Bay, and other stunning destinations are within reach. Make the most of your time on Koh Phi Phi with convenient transfers.

Tonsai Pier is your doorway to Koh Phi Phi's enchanting allure. Book your ferry and plan your adventure through Get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Things to Know:

When visiting Tonsai Pier and the captivating Tonsai Bay, there are a few essential details to keep in mind. The pier is located in the heart of Tonsai Bay, making it your gateway to all the island's wonders. Tonsai Bay itself is a haven of natural beauty, with its clear waters and inviting shores.

As you step onto Tonsai Pier, remember that the entry fee of 20 baht contributes to maintaining the facilities that ensure your comfort. From here, you can easily explore the diverse attractions that Koh Phi Phi has to offer, from the bustling Tonsai Village to the stunning Phi Phi Don island.

If you're arriving from Phuket or Krabi, the efficient ferry service ensures a seamless journey to Tonsai Pier. Keep an eye out for banners advertising various tours and hotels upon your arrival. These options cater to every taste, providing you with a range of choices to suit your preferences.

While exploring Tonsai Bay, you'll find that Wi-Fi spots are available to help you stay connected during your island adventure. Whether you're looking up information about nearby destinations like Koh Lanta or planning your day's activities, staying connected is made easy.

Tonsai Pier's central location also means easy access to the thriving nightlife that Tonsai Village offers. As the sun sets, the village comes alive with entertainment options, restaurants, and bars. It's the perfect opportunity to experience the vibrant atmosphere that defines Koh Phi Phi.

Lastly, remember that Tonsai Bay holds an array of possibilities beyond the pier itself. Whether you're captivated by the coral reefs in the bay's azure waters or you're seeking an adrenaline rush through cliffside hikes, Tonsai Bay promises a variety of experiences that cater to every traveler's desires.

Tonsai Pier is your doorway to Koh Phi Phi's enchanting allure. Book your ferry and plan your adventure through Get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Klong Jilad Pier

Discover Klong Jilad Pier: Your Gateway to Krabi's Beauty

Welcome to Klong Jilad Pier, your entry point to the enchanting world of Krabi. Situated by the crystal-clear waters, Klong Jilad Pier links you to Krabi's amazing places. With its great spot and modern facilities, it ensures a smooth journey for all travelers.

About Klong Jilad Pier

Scenic Marvels Await: Klong Jilad Pier stands as a testament to Krabi's natural beauty. Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and azure waters, this pier greets you with a glimpse of the paradise that lies ahead.

Gateway to Island Escapes: Embark on island-hopping adventures from Klong Jilad Pier. Visit the breathtaking Railay Beach, famous for its towering limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters. Explore the vibrant marine life while snorkeling at Poda Island, a tropical oasis just a boat ride away.

Experience Krabi's culture at Wat Tham Sua (Tiger Cave Temple). Admire its detailed design and panoramic views from the hilltop.

Vibrant Krabi Night Market: Immerse in local culture, enjoy tasty street food, crafts, and souvenirs. It's the perfect spot to savor authentic flavors and pick up unique keepsakes.

Exciting Adventures Await: Embrace thrilling activities like rock climbing, kayaking, and jungle trekking from Klong Jilad Pier. Rock climb, kayak, trek - all from Klong Jilad Pier.These adrenaline-pumping experiences will leave you with memorable memories.

Convenient Car Parking: Traveling by car? Klong Jilad Pier offers convenient car parking facilities, ensuring that your journey starts stress-free.

Ferry Routes Choices: From Jilad Pier to Koh Lanta, Krabi to Koh Phi Phi and more.Explore the nearby islands with ease.

Exploring Krabi Town: Take a stroll through charming Krabi Town, known for its quaint streets, vibrant markets, and welcoming locals.

Excellent Ferry Service: Enjoy efficient ferry services from Klong Jilad Pier, providing a reliable and comfortable mode of transportation.

Easy Ferry Ticket Booking: Secure your ferry tickets hassle-free, making your island-hopping plans a breeze.

Koh Lanta: Beauty: Ferry from Jilad Pier for stunning beaches and clear waters.

Tasty Treats: Enjoy local snacks from vendors at the pier, adding joy to your journey.

Phuketferry's Recommendations: Make the most of your journey by exploring the nearby attractions recommended by Uncover the mystique of Ao Nang Beach, renowned for its stunning sunsets and vibrant nightlife. Additionally, don't miss the chance to visit the mesmerizing Phra Nang Cave Beach, near Railay.

In a nutshell, Klong Jilad Pier stands as a welcoming portal to the wonders of Krabi. Whether you're seeking serene beaches, thrilling activities, or cultural discoveries, this pier serves as your gateway to a great Krabi experience. Begin your journey at Klong Jilad Pier, and let the beauty of Krabi unfold before you.

Things to Know:

Smooth Transfers: Klong Jilad Pier offers efficient ferry transfers, ensuring a hassle-free connection to various islands and destinations.

Timeless Beauty: Witness the timeless beauty of Krabi's landscapes, whether you're strolling along the pier or embarking on a boat adventure.

Respect local ways: Take off shoes at sacred places, honor Thai customs.

Rassada Pier

Rassada Pier: Your Gateway to Island Adventures in Phuket

Nestled on the picturesque island of Phuket, Rassada Pier stands as a bustling hub, inviting travelers to embark on unforgettable ferry journeys to the surrounding islands.

Serving as the primary departure point for large 200-400 seater ferries, this pier exudes an air of excitement and anticipation, as eager travelers set off on their island adventures.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about Rassada Pier, from its convenient location to the parking facilities, the check-in process, and even the charming on-site vendors that await your arrival.

Convenient Location and Easy Transfers:

Situated just a mere 10 minutes' drive away from Phuket Town, 1 hour from phuket airport, Rassada Pier boasts a prime location that ensures seamless and convenient transfers for travelers. Whether you're staying in Phuket Town or nearby, reaching the pier is a breeze. Thanks to this strategic position, tourists can easily make their way to the pier, eager to begin their island escapades.

Ample Parking for a Hassle-Free Experience:

For those opting to drive to Rassada Pier in their hired cars, there's good news: the pier provides a large car park facility, catering to the needs of motorists. This spacious parking area offers a sense of security and peace of mind, allowing travelers to leave their vehicles behind while they embark on their island adventures. With a minimal fee, you can park your car with confidence and embark on your ferry journey without worry. Parking fees are detailled below.

Simplified Check-In Process: has established excellent relationships with the ferry companies, and they are familiar with the E-ticket provided, streamlining the ferry tickets online booking and check-in process further.

To ensure a smooth departure, it's recommended to check-in at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time, giving you ample time to settle in.

Operators Present at Rassada Pier:

Andaman Wave Master: Known for its modern fleet and impeccable safety standards, Andaman Wave Master offers ferry services to Phi Phi Islands, allowing travelers to witness the mesmerizing beauty of Phi Phi Don and Phi Phi Leh.

Satun Pakbara: With a commitment to providing safe and reliable ferry services, Satun Pakbara offers trips to the beautiful islands of Koh Lipe, Koh Tarutao, and Koh Bulon. Travelers can explore these pristine paradises and immerse themselves in nature's wonders.

Phi Phi Cruiser: As one of the prominent ferry operators, Phi Phi Cruiser caters to trips between Phuket and Phi Phi Islands, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable journey for visitors. Experience the allure of Maya Bay and Viking Cave as you venture to Phi Phi Islands.

Kannicha: Kannicha offers ferry services to Koh Yao Yai and Koh Yao Noi, enchanting travelers with the serene and tranquil ambiance of these hidden gems. Discover the unspoiled beauty of these islands, away from the hustle and bustle of popular tourist destinations.

Phi Phi Sabai Marine: Renowned for its friendly staff and customer-oriented services, Phi Phi Sabai Marine facilitates trips to Phi Phi Islands and Bamboo Island, offering travelers a chance to marvel at the region's breathtaking marine life and vibrant coral reefs.

Sea Angel Cruise: With a strong focus on comfort and luxury, Sea Angel Cruise offers island-hopping experiences to Koh Yao Yai and Koh Yao Noi, promising a tranquil escape from the bustling mainland.

Chao Koh Group: Offering a diverse range of routes, Chao Koh Group facilitates trips to Koh Phi Phi, Koh Lanta, and Railay Beach, making it a popular choice for travelers seeking adventure and relaxation.

And more Bundayah, Chureang

Popular Routes from Rassada Pier:

From Rassada Pier, travelers have the convenience of embarking on various exciting ferry routes to explore the stunning islands and attractions in the region. Here is a list of popular ferry and speed boats routes leaving from Rassada Pier:Rassada Pier to Phi Phi Islands (Koh Phi Phi):

  • - Rassada Pier to Koh Lipe
  • - Rassada Pier to Koh Bulon Lae
  • - Rassada Pier to Koh Lanta
  • - Rassada Pier to Koh Phi Phi
  • - Rassada Pier to Ao Nang

Some day trips leave from rassada but you might want to consider other departure points for tours which are more suitable. Chalong Pier, Rawai Pier to mention some…

Comfort While You Wait:

As you complete the check-in process and await your ferry's departure, Rassada Pier ensures your comfort with various amenities. While the excitement builds up, why not take a seat and relax in the waiting area? You'll find ample seating available, allowing you to sit back and soak in the maritime atmosphere.

Additionally, if you find yourself in need of refreshments or a quick snack, there are on-site vendors ready to serve you. Grab a cup of coffee to awaken your senses or choose a travel snack to fuel your adventure spirit.

Car Park Fees at Rassada Pier:

For those availing the car park services at Rassada Pier, it's essential to be aware of the parking fees to plan your journey accordingly. The fee structure is as follows:

Four wheels/Motorcycles:

  • - 9 minutes - 1 hour: 20฿
  • - 1.01 hours - 2 hours: 40฿
  • - 2.01 hours - 3 hours: 50฿
  • - 3.01 hours - 24 hours: 100฿

Six wheels or more:

  • - 9 minutes - 1 hour: 50฿
  • - 1.01 hours - 2 hours: 120฿
  • - 2.01 hours - 3 hours: 190฿
  • - 3.01 hours - 24 hours: 300฿


Important Notes for Parking:

When departing from the pier, ensure you have your identification card or driving license handy, as it will be required.

If, by any chance, you misplace your parking ticket, a car park fee of 200฿ will be applicable. It's crucial to follow traffic regulations strictly and drive with utmost care, ensuring a safe experience for everyone.

Park your vehicle only in the designated parking areas, and avoid leaving any valuables inside your car to minimize the risk of loss or damage.