成人 (>9 年)
儿童 (2-9 年)
  • {l}



夜丰颂 信息



湄宏顺是一个充满山脉的偏远省份,位于泰国北部。对于那些寻找清晰感和新视角的人来说,它的偏远位置加上令人惊叹的景色,使它成为一个完美的目的地。由于它是一个孤立的省份,交通选择并不多。湄宏顺没有火车站,最近的火车站在 清迈。推荐的一个选择是乘坐巴士或小型面包车,清迈和湄宏顺之间有频繁的巴士和面包车服务,曼谷也有长途巴士可供选择。该省还有一个小型机场,提供从清迈起飞的短途航班。




夜丰颂 Wat Phra That Doi Kong Mu

Wat Phra That Doi Kong Mu
Wat Phra That Doi Kong Mu is perhaps the oldest and most iconic monument in the province of Mae Hong Son, a highly revered temple situated on a hill that’s overlooking the town. The view from the temple is breathtaking and so worth the climb. The temple contains a beautiful golden Buddha statue and 2 chapels or Chedis. There’s a small café at the hill offering delicious hill tribe coffee that you can enjoy while reveling in the incredible vista. Its location is in Chong Kham, Mueang Mae Hong Son District.

夜丰颂 Salween National Park

Salween National Park
An oasis of idyllic possibilities, Salween National Park is a great place for a day trip whether you’re alone or with some company. Its location is in Sop Moei and Mae Sariang Districts. The park’s terrain includes a fascinating mountainous forested area and it also features an impressive collection of flora, containing the second largest teak tree in all of Thailand. It’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, adding more value to the already luscious park. One of the activities you can enjoy there is camping in the jungle or rafting down the Salween River.

夜丰颂 Wat Chong Kham

Wat Chong Kham
Magnificently lighting up the Jong Kham Lake, Wat Chong Kham is an impressive Burmese Shan temple that offers stunning visuals and has high cultural value. The temple Is accented with golden pillars and contains hundred-year-old paintings called the Jataka Paintings. One of the interesting things about Wat Chong Kham is that it has a small museum featuring Burmese wooden dolls that is aged 150 years old representing the wheel of life. You should know that same as most Burmese Shan temples, there are some areas in the temple that restrict women entering.

夜丰颂 Natural Attractions

Natural Attractions
Mae Hong Son has an amazing set of natural attractions that would be a waste not to pay a visit. One of those attractions is Tham Lod, which is a cave system containing attractive formations of limestone stalactite that you can glance at while rafting along the river. Referred to as the Grand Canyon of Thailand, Pai Canyon is yet another great attraction you can add to your Mae Hong Son, most tourists rave about the view of the sunset from the canyon. If you are a fan of waterfalls, then you’re in luck, because Mae Hong Son has got some beautiful waterfalls like Mae Yen, Mae Yoi, Pombok and more.



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Yi Peng Lantern Festival 2024

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2025 年清迈鲜花节

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17 九月 2024

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Travel Advisory: Expected Delays in Phuket Due to Construction Work Near Heroines Monument

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