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涛岛 信息


前往神奇潜水岛屿龟岛的最佳方式是乘坐渡轮。好消息是 PhuketFerry.com 前往龟岛的渡轮每天都有,从普吉岛、皮皮岛、甲米、苏梅岛和帕岸岛提供优质且频繁的航班。乘坐岛际快船和渡轮旅行确实是一种乐趣,它们现代、安全、快速。透过快船和渡轮窗外欣赏数千个岛屿的美景,使旅程变得格外特别。查看有关帕岸岛航班的快船和渡轮信息,看看您的行程是否包含巴士/快船和渡轮套票,因为某些行程将涉及横跨泰国相对狭窄部分的换乘,这段旅程风景优美而愉快。每艘快船和渡轮都非常安全坚固,而且它们经常运送大约180-300名兴奋的旅客前往他们的目的地。

龟岛的码头叫做 Mae Haad码头,位于岛屿的西南部。由于龟岛是一个主要的潜水岛屿,抵达码头时,您经常会看到五颜六色的船只排列整齐,仿佛在对您说"你好"。龟岛的第一眼景象会让您着迷,因为这是一个非常美丽的岛屿。对于 PhuketFerry.com 的客户来说,好消息是所有的快船和渡轮运营商都非常熟悉我们的电子票和客户服务流程。请务必在回程时提前30分钟到达码头,并携带打印好的电子票。别忘了查看我们的 旅行提示 页面,确保您为旅程做好准备,并保持与我们的联系——如果有机会,我们很乐意收到您的旅行日志更新!旅途愉快...


龟岛(“Turtle Island”)是一个约21平方公里的美丽岛屿,位于苏梅岛和帕岸岛的北部。它是世界上最适合初学者和有经验的潜水员进行潜水的地方之一,发放给新潜水员的潜水证书几乎比世界上任何其他地方都多。从帕岸岛、苏梅岛和素叻他尼出发的快艇和渡轮频繁运行,这使得龟岛不仅美丽,而且极为便捷。至于它有多美;晶莹剔透的海水,岛上的山地地形,等待发现的隐秘海滩,以及在探险岛屿探索日结束后休憩的异国住宿。

涛岛 Koh Tao Diving Paradise

Koh Tao Diving Paradise

Koh Tao is a glorious year-round diving location, attracting divers of all levels to its coral-lined, fish-abundant shores. The ferries and boats each day bring new underwater adventure seekers. Apparently, only Cairns in Australia hands out more PADI diving certificates each year, which is testimony to the dive paradise that Koh Tao has become. In some of the busiest beach areas you can find dive centre after dive centre lining up to provide you with an unforgettable dive experience. Out in the waters, you can find barracudas, sea turtles, stingrays, reef sharks and there's even been some rare sightings of whale sharks. The great thing about Koh Tao diving is that underwater visibility remains great all year long (approximately 20-40m apart from perhaps November). Convincing enough? Surely Koh Tao is worth a visit.

涛岛 Koh Tao Beach Life

Koh Tao Beach Life

Most beach activity revolves around two main beach areas in Koh Tao; Sairee Beach and Chalok Bay. Sairee Beach is just north of Mae Haad Pier, which is where your ferry will arrive/depart from. Sairee Beach is long, sweeping, and so beautiful with its golden sands and turquoise shores. Many of the dive centres, restaurants and shops are found here just off the beach, and when evening comes the nightlife is fun and lively too. Chalok Baan Kao Beach is just a small trip to the south of the ferry pier and is much more relaxed and still really tropically special. PhuketFerry.com recommends picking up your snorkelling gear and renting a long tail boat around the Koh Tao shores where you'll discover some stunning hidden bays to snorkel around.

涛岛 Getting Around Tao

Getting Around Tao

Koh Tao is one place where hiring a motorcycle is a good thing to do, that's of course if you can and you have the necessary skills. Getting around Koh Tao on a motorcycle is fun, there's lots of cool little scenic viewpoints and hidden coves to explore. A lot of rental scooters have off-road tyres so you can navigate the dirt tracks to places such as Freedom Beach, Mango Bay, Shark Bay, Hin Wong Bay and Tanote Bay. Be careful though, because the roads are basic and need to be navigated with caution. Simply get a map, a water bottle and apply your sunscreen, and off you go. Make sure you check out John Suwan Mountain Viewpoint in the south and Fraggle Rock in the north for some pretty stunning views.

涛岛 Koh Tao Cuisine

Koh Tao Cuisine

With Koh Tao becoming one of the tropical diving destinations of the world, many restaurants and bars have sprung up over time that make Koh Tao a really nice place for eating and drinking. Lots of good Thai food options are available, maybe try the Phad Thai (stir fried noodles with prawns), Krapaew Gai Khai Daow (chicken with spicy chilli, basil leaves and fried egg), or Gaeng Kia Wan (Thai green curry). They're delicious! Naturally, seafood is both cheap and incredible too, whether barbecued, boiled or deep fried. The island bars of Koh Tao are fun and lively. Most have some kind of happy hour or special theme night so it's good to check out when stuff is happening early on during your stay. Most bars are likely to close at around 1am leaving the nightclubs to keep you dancing till bedtime or morning comes.





15 一月 2025 - 28 二月 2025

查龙寺庙会无疑是岛上规模最大的庙会。这是一个为期七天的盛宴,充满色彩、香气、声音和人群的热闹景象。这里有各种表演、游戏和娱乐活动。每天晚上大约7点,观众可以欣赏到著名泰国民俗歌手(流行民歌)和传统南部泰国木偶艺人的精彩表演。... 更多信息

2025 年春节

2025 年春节

29 一月 2025

泰国许多有华人聚居的地方都会庆祝春节。这个节日总是在农历正月初一举行,因此每年都会根据西历发生变化。... 更多信息

2025 年清迈鲜花节

2025 年清迈鲜花节

1-3 二月 2025

清迈鲜花节在每年二月的第一个周末举行,为期三天。节日的高潮是周六上午的花车游行。花车游行从火车站出发,一直延伸到纳瓦拉桥(桥上有看台),最后在农布哈特公园(Nong... 更多信息




29 十一月 2024

一场彻夜的大雨导致合艾郊区发生了严重的洪灾,尤其影响了Kho Hong分区的Baan Plak Thong地区。洪水淹没了房屋,深度高达90厘米,使得多条道路无法通行,即使是高底盘皮卡车也无法通行。居民们正在将物品搬到更高的地方,并使用大型卡车将车辆转移到更安全的区域... 更多信息



28 十一月 2024

安达曼海地区天气预报:普吉岛,泰国 2024年12月9日 - 12月15日   星期一,12月9日 温度:最高:31°C,最低... 更多信息

Lomprayah (LMPO)时间表变更自2024年12月15日起

Lomprayah (LMPO)时间表变更自2024年12月15日起

27 十一月 2024

地点:龟岛,帕岸岛,苏梅岛 尊敬的客户, 我们写信通知您我们的渡轮路线出发时间即将变更... 更多信息