成人 (>9 年)
儿童 (2-9 年)
  • {l}



库德岛 信息



近年来,前往可可岛变得更加容易。直接到达可可岛的唯一方式是从莱姆诺格码头或莱姆索克码头乘船。最近的机场位于Trat,主要有飞往曼谷的航班, Trat机场 距离莱姆索克码头30公里,莱姆索克码头是大多数前往可可岛航班的出发点,因此您需要安排交通工具前往码头,无论是私人汽车还是公交车。如果您在曼谷,您可以乘坐公交车前往Trat,然后再安排另一种交通工具前往码头,但您必须乘坐非常早的公交车,否则无法及时赶上船程,公交车和船的组合也是一种选择。跳岛游也是一种选择,无论是从可昌岛、可威岛还是可马克岛乘坐快艇或双体船。然而,请注意,这个选项在雨季不可用。






库德岛 Ao Noi Beach

Ao Noi Beach
I think we can all agree that Koh Kood has some of the best beaches in all of Thailand. One of them is Ao Noi beach, which is a small beach that contains only one resort. It has a very picturesque setting and has a lovely bay with beautiful white sand. You can get to the beach via dirt track or you could get a kayak and head north of Klong Chao beach and you will eventually find it.

库德岛 Fishing Villages

Fishing Villages
Koh Kood contains 2 fishing villages that are set on both ends of the island. There is Ao Yai in the south and Ao Salad in the north. They are both great places to spend your time, Ao Salad is considered the central pier where boats usually arrive in the low season. it is very vibrant and more crowded than Ao Yai, which has gorgeous panoramic views and delicious seafood.

库德岛 Makka Tree

Makka Tree

Also known as Sai Yai or the 500-year-old tree. Makka tree is an amazing tree found deep in the jungle. Once you get to the jungle you will find 2 huge trees close to each other. One is 200 years old and the other one is 500 years old, you have to be at least 20 meters close in order to see the trees due to the incredibly dense jungle.

库德岛 Big Buddha Statue

Big Buddha Statue
If you are coming from the mainland, then you will definitely see the beaming Big Buddha Statue as you approach Koh Kood. The statue is perfectly located at Ao Salad Temple and it is about 20 meters tall overlooking the fisherman village. Don’t forget to bring your camera with you, because you will need to take some pictures while you’re there.



Yi Peng Lantern Festival 2024

Yi Peng Lantern Festival 2024

1-30 十一月 2024

Yi Peng (or Yee Peng, Chiangmai Lantern Festival) is another light festival celebrated in Northern Thailand alongside Loy... 更多信息

2025 年春节

2025 年春节

29 一月 2025

泰国许多有华人聚居的地方都会庆祝春节。这个节日总是在农历正月初一举行,因此每年都会根据西历发生变化。... 更多信息

2025 年清迈鲜花节

2025 年清迈鲜花节

1-3 二月 2025

清迈鲜花节在每年二月的第一个周末举行,为期三天。节日的高潮是周六上午的花车游行。花车游行从火车站出发,一直延伸到纳瓦拉桥(桥上有看台),最后在农布哈特公园(Nong... 更多信息




17 九月 2024

普吉岛正准备迎接更多的强降雨,因为强烈的西南季风正在影响安达曼海和西海岸。南部气象中心预测,包括普吉岛在内的多个省份将持续到周四出现强降雨和可能的山洪暴发。截至目前,普吉岛今年的降雨量已超过1600毫米。预计将有强风,海浪高达3米,建议所有船只保持谨慎。降雨可能在周末加剧。请保持关注并采取预防措施... 更多信息

Travel Advisory: Expected Delays in Phuket Due to Construction Work Near Heroines Monument

Travel Advisory: Expected Delays in Phuket Due to Construction Work Near Heroines Monument

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Important Travel Update:  Time Change for AO NANG TRAVEL AND TOIIR CO.,LTD.s from 10 April 2024 to 11 April 2024 due to  Muslim religious festival

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2 四月 2024

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